
On second thought — groupies always welcome :)

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Probably the most important thing I have ever learned. Our way of looking via Shamanic Periscopes. Explaining mother moons, chakras, and disparate spiritual traditions.

My most vulnerable post. Part spiritual memoir — part warning. This is a tale of spiritual loneliness filled with monsters, mermaids, and zombies. Don’t let IG fool you. Spirituality, sometimes , can kick you in the face (14 Minute Read)

In the past 30 months, I have had no job. Yet it’s been the hardest work of my life. This is the story of the power to be alone — and the spiritual loneliness that fucked my shit up.

Post by post — like by like — the story we tell others, trumps the one we live. But what if a 10-second hack — could 10X the quality of our memories? This is the story of killing zombies in India, 3 Girls & 1 Cup in Vietnam, & awakening to spiritual selfie. (8 Minute Read)

You’re close with friends and family, but how vulnerable are you? Too often we wait until Eulogies, if ever at all, to FULLY share our love. Meet Gratitude Letters, a simple technique to nourish both your heart and theirs. This is my story of how I planted a garden of gratitude in my heart. It changed my life. I wish the same for you. (~6 MINUTE READ)

A story of how Shamanism and psychedelics can both expand our minds and leave us swimming in delusion.

Why does all this naval gazing and periscope talk matter? Because it’s everything and consciousness coins prove it.

Probably the most important thing I have ever learned. Our way of looking via Shamanic Periscopes. Explaining mother moons, chakras, and disparate spiritual traditions.

rclone挂载Google Drive到VPS教程 | XZYMOE'S BLOG:2021-4-2 · 本教程使用的是CentOS,至于是Debian及其发行版本的修改下源即可。 更换源与软件下载 1.由于官网源更新滞后(毕竟是为企业服务的),安装第三方的EPEL源。 #安装EPEL源 yum -y install epel-release 2.安装fuse及fuse-devel依赖 #安装依赖 yum -y install

My most vulnerable post. Part spiritual memoir — part warning. This is a tale of spiritual loneliness filled with monsters, mermaids, and zombies. Don’t let IG fool you. Spirituality, sometimes , can kick you in the face 手机如何使用ssr教程

In the past 30 months, I have had no job. Yet it’s been the hardest work of my life. This is the story of the power to be alone — and the spiritual loneliness that fucked my shit up.

How knowing our own shit, gives us a radiant heart - Corona and all. Just ask the Buddha and his bag of shit. (3 minute Read)

Why do we always laugh at our younger selves? Yet our current selves feel so damn right? This is the story of escaping this trap - the key? Zen’s I don’t know mind (8-minute read).

Seeking ultimate truth & following his heart, the Buddha abandoned his family. Was he brave? Or cowardly? Following a 29 year old Prince trying to figure shit out — we discover why family — is overrated. Yet in that realization, each of us will become enriched and happier people. (~12 Minute read)

Post by post — like by like — the story we tell others, trumps the one we live. But what if a 10-second hack — could 10X the quality of our memories? This is the story of killing zombies in India, 3 Girls & 1 Cup in Vietnam, & awakening to spiritual selfie. (8 Minute Read)

Whether a heroic dose — or dancing with kids in the streets of India — within every conscious moment is a fight. A battle to play ‘you’ or to simply play. This poetry jam — is the dance of that dual. (2 MINUTE READ)
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
“You’re always practicing. Neurons that fire together wire together. Whether practicing boredom, anxiety, skepticism”
“In ancient times having power meant having access to data. Today having power means knowing what to ignore”
(7 minute read) We travel to sacred India to follow the life journey of AMA Samy: an orphaned boy who somehow, someway became India’s 1st Zen Master. His legendary story — will change how you look at your story. Non-conformers — listen up!